Thursday, 25 August 2016

What is genuine private mortgage lending? Advantages and disadvantages

Brief topical overview –
Private Mortgage Finance - What is it?   
First mortgages?                  Yes
Second mortgages?             Yes
Transition finance?    Yes … (or) how to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
Development finance?         Yes, including “Phased Development” funding for acquisition, structured equity or the like, with institutional “exit”
Clean canvas?                       Yes … proposals stand on commercial merits alone
Formulaic approach to lending and recovery?     No

What is genuine private mortgage lending and who are private lenders? Who benefits? What are the differences between private and institutional mortgage loans?
Put simply, according to one investment group,
“the definition of a private lender is an individual that you can negotiate directly with on a personal basis to borrow money for real estate investments”.
Genuine Private Investor Mortgage Finance entails a personal relationship.
Private lending is the oldest form of lending. LRPM’s primary role has been to transition a non-code first mortgage lending proposal which has merit but which does not fit bank/institutional guidelines to a point where it does. Generally, this has taken place over a term of 6 to 12 month.  Our facilities are heavily asset and “exit” focused.
Private first & second mortgage funding is now available! $300,000 to $6,000,000 for a single property, but significantly larger sums may be available for completed strata units or other structured finance, including development loans.
Until recently, we had not been involved in development funding. For developments, is it feasible for LRPM to use private as well as bank/institutional debt, preferred private equity and other structures in combination and peacefully co-exist? Categorically, “YES”! LRPM refers to it as “Phased Development Finance”.
In the Private space, each proposal is a clean canvas, and early discussion is important. There is no strict formula or set of guidelines and each of our private investors has differing appetites and price expectations. Therefore, it is not possible to provide an un-equivocal “loan matrix”, until we have at least discussed the proposal with you.

For example, in appropriate circumstances, we will take into account the “uptick” in property valuation achieved where the applicant has obtained DA during a long term contract, option or similar. My understanding is that banks and other more formal institutions will not. We may fund full purchase price under these conditions where there is real “skin in the game” by the applicant, in terms of DA and other costs associated with the added value.
This is the first installment of several to clarify LRPM role, and genuine private investor finance in the industry. LRPM is a packager and manager working in conjunction with a limited number of high net worth individuals. We are not a finance broker. We work on behalf of private investors, and there is no conflict with finance brokers.  We package, carry out due diligence, carry forward to settlement, and manage after settlement. We do not claim to work with numerous investors, but have strong commercial and personal relationships with a few.

To a degree, the “private mortgage lending” waters have been muddied over time by smaller institutional lenders (with some of the characteristics of genuine private lending), and this will be discussed in a subsequent installment.

In the meantime, if you have a scenario to discuss or seek clarification, please contact the writer, Steven Acworth via LinkedIn, or on 0488 22 44 16 or follow the details on our web site …. (to be continued …)